Estimating your current biological age
Discover the influence of your lifestyle on your metabolism. Epigenetics refers to a mechanism by which gene expression is modulated by environmental factors. Your birthday reflects your chronological age, which may be different from the biological age indicated by epigenetic marks.
This test can help you change or adapt your habits to maintain a young biological age.
What is MethylAge?

Unhealthy behaviours (unbalanced and ultra-processed diet, smoking, alcohol, insufficient sleep, excessive sunlight, etc.), mental stress and/or living in polluted areas are associated with health problems and the onset of disease. The MethylAge test estimates real biological age in order to compare it with chronological age and, depending on the circumstances, the discrepancy between the two ages can be significant. Knowing your biological age enables you to question your lifestyle, identify risk factors and possibly improve it. It is understood that a healthy, active lifestyle is likely to have a positive influence on the biological ageing process and on quality of life.
Ageing is a natural and progressive process. However, individual ageing is influenced by two main components: genetic predisposition and environmental/lifestyle factors. Genetic inheritance cannot be changed, but lifestyle choices can influence the individual ageing process, particularly through epigenetics.

Why do this test?
If the test reveals that your biological age is higher than your chronological age as determined by your date of birth, this means that you need to adopt a healthier lifestyle. On this basis, you will be more motivated to change your lifestyle. You can influence your biological age and your well-being. You also have the power to strengthen your body. By adopting other healthier behaviours using the recommendations in the report, you have the means to optimise your biological age and your quality of life.
Monitor your biological age with control tests
You can take this test as often as you like. After changing your lifestyle, your MethylAge can be measured several times in order to monitor the improvements/changes you have made. You will be able to check the results of your interventions, or any worsening. It is recommended that you have a check-up once a year.

Preventive measures formulated on the basis of the personal assessment can be useful in preventing the development of disease and improving quality of life. MethylAge has been specially developed by Laboratoires Réunis to measure individual biological age and demonstrate whether lifestyle changes are beneficial. This test will serve as an incentive to change your lifestyle and adopt healthier behaviours.