What is it all about?
ImuPro is a concept that combines a blood test for IgG food allergies with unique post-test advice. A comprehensive laboratory analysis identifies high concentrations of IgG antibodies specific to certain food proteins. The report provides the doctor and patient with the test results and personalised dietary recommendations.
Diagnosis and unique advice after the test

ImuPro est recommandé en cas de ballonnements, constipation, syndrome du côlon irritable (SCI), maux de tête, migraines, obésité, dépression, problèmes de peau et d'articulations.
ImuPro options :
- ImuPro Screen offers an individual analysis of 22 foods. It is a simple way of quickly determining whether an IgG food allergy might be present. It is a purely diagnostic test and does not include any dietary recommendations.
- ImuPro Basic tests the 90 main foods, such as typical meats, vegetables, fruit, cereals, dairy products and hen's eggs. As well as a full report with accurate results at a glance, the documents contain personal dietary guidelines with individual recommendations.
- ImuPro Basic+ analyses 180 foods. As well as the most common typical vegetables, meat, fruit, cereals, dairy products and eggs, their alternatives and foods specific to the region are also tested. Patients receive a full report with accurate results at a glance, dietary guidelines with individual recommendations and a recipe book.
- ImuPro Complete tests 270 foods and additives (including the 90 foods from ImuPro Basic). As well as typical meats, vegetables, fruit, cereals, milk and eggs, their alternatives and region-specific foods are also tested. In addition, a large number of spices, teas, coffees, wines, thickeners and preservatives are analysed. You'll receive a comprehensive report with accurate results at a glance and personal dietary guidelines to guide you through your dietary changes. Your results file also contains individual recommendations and a recipe book specially designed to meet your personal needs.
In IgG food allergy (also known as type III food allergy), the immune system reacts to normally harmless food allergens and produces specific antibodies, called IgG antibodies. These antibodies can then provoke inflammatory reactions that can lead to various chronic disorders; symptoms appear up to three days after ingestion of a trigger food.
Laboratory analysis
Therapist-patient consultation
Is an IgG-related food allergy worth considering?
Blood sampling and shipping
The sample is sent by an authorised carrier.
Laboratory analysis and assessment
The sample is analysed in the specialised laboratory using the ELISA technique.
Results sent
Within a maximum of 15 days, you and your patient will receive the test results with full documentation.
Therapist-patient consultation
You can comment on your patient's results and help them to make changes to their diet.